Tech Tour France Transfer Invest Programme

Meet the France spin off game-changers in Biotech, Healthtech, Digital and Greentech


  • Investment and partnership: 40 selected French technology transfer spin-offs companies;
  • Innovation in the field of Biotech, Healthtech, Digital and Greentech;
  • Programme with 10 online sessions or services for selection, strategy, meetings and recognition;
  • Selection or invitation-only for the best entrepreneurs and most active investors, corporations and governmental experts.


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The programme is supported by BPI France, France’s national development bank and innovation agency, in collaboration with seven French government bodies:


  • SATT: French private TTOs, shared between several public research organizations, created to develop and commercialize research results to be transformed into innovative products.
  • CEA: The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) is a key player in research, development and innovation in four main areas: defence and security, low carbon energies (nuclear and renewable energies), technological research for industry, fundamental research in the physical sciences and life sciences.
  • CNRS: The French National Centre for Scientific Research is among the world's leading research institutions.
  • IFPEN: The French Institute of Petroleum is a major research and training player in the fields of energy, transport and the environment. It`s mission is to provide solutions to take up the challenges facing society in terms of energy and the climate.
  • Inria: The French National Institute for computer science and applied mathematics.
  • Inserm-Transfert: As a private subsidiary of Inserm, Inserm Transfert manages economic and societal value creation and the transfer of knowledge from Inserm research laboratories to companies contributing to promote human health innovation.
  • INRAE Transfert - A subsidiary of the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, INRAE ​​Transfert is a project engineering and technology transfer company for innovation in food, agriculture and the environment.
  • PSL Universite Paris - The Paris Science et Lettres University is one of the top French universities with 28 Nobel prizes, 2,900 researchers, 140 laboratorites, and 50 Startups created each year. 


Is this for me?

Are you are a french spin-off company interested in one of the following subsectors:

  • Biotech
  • Healthtech
  • Digital
  • Sustainability?



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